Friday, July 25, 2008

Coming Home

I'm about to come home!!! Oh, Queen B is crazy, she's supposed to be lik eyou know the girl in all the movies that runs the school, yeah that's Queen B. You couldn't be her though, you're a 9th grader. But yeah, I've like made some new choreo that I have to show you when you get back home, it's to the song Freakshow by Brittney Speers. See if you can listen to it before you get back home. There's also choreo to when I grow up but I don't like it. Oh, and there's choreo to When I Grow Up but I keep changing it.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Why would you nominate me for Queen B?? I don't even know what it is. Is it something to do with the school or did ya'll just make it up?? I hadn't gotten on matrixpoint in a while, so when I saw your blog I did. Then I realized that I was like missing out on everything and now I feel stupid. Probably should though. Anyways, are you excited to have your little sister in highschool with you. Won't it be fun!! I'll bug you in the hallways and hug you all the time!! JK. But I guess it will be kinda fun. Hey sorry I got to go. Hit you up later.

Sunday, July 20, 2008


I don't really like it here... the school, or the program really. I don't know why, I just don't which is why I'm on the computer like talking to you...LOL. Not really, but you're cool. Umm, yeah, just so you knw, all your little blogs are in my reader so everytime you post something, yeah, I get notified, LOL.
But, yeah, Umm, Queen B... you just have to read e it but I'm thinking it's like the Queen B that is in like fiction books and stuff. If ti is, it sounds soooo corny, but then again, MP, never let's us down so it better be good.
Of course I'm going to still do something awesome and make alot of money, I already told you the plan, I've added to it though. First I'm going to buy Columbia, make some money, and then go on to the Czech Republic. Oh, and I'm going to bomb all of the oil refineries after I take over California and so then the world will like go into a depression and I will be all good because I have the hydrogen highway... hmm maybe I'll take over all the area that's in T. Boone's Plan too so I can get all the wind energy. But yeah all you other countries are going to come to me on your knees cause I'm good like that!
Oh, and BTW you should check your spelling on your blogs. Oh, and have you read Once Upon A Time? It's weird and confusing and MP went through alot of work so we didn't know gender or names. I think it's a girl though, because a guy just isn't that...well, the only word I can think of, now that I've read the definition is snarky. LOL.. Anywayz, yeah the Queen B qualifications are up... I'm thinking about nominating you...LOL

Nothing New

Yeah I saw the new one that they're not lock out of. It's talking about crowning there own homing coming queen??? What's that all about?? In state Huh... I guess it's not that bad. USC is an ok skool. I don't mind if you kill the Street dream. Who knows, you might not be. Just because you're going to skool in state doesn't mean you can't still do something awesome and make alot of money. That's the only thing that counts right?? Jk. But anyways did you like Washington and Lee because I love it here. I mean, not so much the skool but the program. There are way to many bugs here but I'll get over it... I guess. So get back at me.

Friday, July 18, 2008


I'm going to school in-state. Right at home in Columbia at USC. Yerp. There's nothing to talk about, I don't want to worry about it anymore, and I'm pretty sure I get in for free there, with Honors and all that stuff. I guess I'm killing the Street dream...sorry. Umm, Ill try to make up for it though by like becoming StuBod Prez I guess.
Oh, also, yah you've seen MP. Tell all your freshmen friends! It's the Gossip Girl for our school. Oh, and not that many people know the new address so I guess we gotta get it out, it's crazy stupid, and funny. But, yeah I thought that was funny about the lockout also. Did you see the new site, where they're not locked out?

Monday, July 7, 2008


So..ur sooooo latteee!! Nywayz... yeah, u really need to make that call because I tried on a friends fone and i got this really weird answer!! Oh, and on top of that I already saw ur summer blog you loser so... like I said, you're sooo late! I really don't have much else to say, partly because this computer has a really weird space button that makes a bunch of noise every time I space... and it's kinda embarassing so, untill I get a computer with the keys unstuck... peace!!

Hi Mikelle

Ok so I totally checked my emal before I read the blog so I asked you why you ent me the number. Any ways I'm glad that you are having fun and I finally found out how to look at your blog. I know I'm so slow but that's why you love me right?? You should check out all of my other blogs. You have my original on your page but I also have another one. It's It's all about my summer and the things I've done so far. It's pretty cool. Check It Out.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

So Sick

Yeah,'s too late cause I'm in Virginia now, why didn't you post b4? That's an oppurtunity lost... 2 bad... We don't get in trouble... we're definately good! Yeah, I'm having a blast up here, I tried texting u from the net but the umm... computer said that you had no texts! Oh, and our friend *wink* *wink* is sick.. Sounded very sick so u should definately check up on them... umm... let's see, I can email u the number for them...I forget ur email though, I'll find it... oh, and if u do get in touch with them, tell them to email me, I'm worried.
Lastly, u need to check out because I posted some vids.. I made up a dance to When I Grow Up... it's not on there though.. u should still observe those dancers though!

Friday, July 4, 2008

I'm totally BORED

Yeah, I do rememeber that picture. Well you should get the email adress of these people who are asking about geak. Then, we can contact them in the future. DUHH!! Your suppose to be the smart one. WOW JK!! Any ways I just got back from Nationals. OMG I'm totally stressed out. I have to admit that I'm a little bored and I miss doing kraze stuff with you and getting in trouble for it. But whatever. Get back at me dude.